Want some help?
I'm not really a person who would always offer to help a stranger without second thought. Most probably when I'm put in such a situation I'd refuse to act. So bad of myself, I know.
Today morning I did two "wrong" things, but because I did them, I did something really right for me to do. First thing first I wanted to go for a haircut, so I set out to a shop. I waited there for about an hour. After I had the haircut, I returned to freshen up (have a shower and stuff). But I'm already late! Just half an hour for church service to start and I would not reach in time. Anyway I did not panic. I let God take control and just continued with my freshening up. Already 15 minutes of service was over when I left my house.
There is this bridge with which we can cross the road. Uhm... to give the description in words, would take time, so let me draw it out...

There it is! OK, I wanted to go to bus stop 1. To go there you can go A-B-D or just A-C. People ALWAYS go through A-C because It's obviously shorter and does not require much energy. While I was going up A, I was in my own world, thinking about God knows what, and I automatically climbed up B. When I reached the top of B, I stood there amazed: "What in the world am I doing here?" I looked down at C and hear him (or is it her?) crying "How could you abandon me?" Well, all said and done, I had no other go except to take the staircase D. Suddenly there appeared an old lady. She was carrying something and was trying to climb down the stairs, holding the heavy load (ok light to me but she's old remember?) in her weak hands. Two steps down, I offered her: "Want some help?" She smiled really big and said "Thank you" and handed me her load. I got down the stairs with her, carrying it for her. At the end of stair case D, I handed her the thing back and accepted her double "Thank you"s and said "No problem". I quickly got in the bus that was there, and from inside I saw her smile and wave at me. I smiled back.
I felt refreshed, and felt so good having done something. And what amazes me is God was planning everything behind this. He made me go up B which I would have never done by myself. He made me late to church by giving me a haircut (and a long wait of an hour before that). He coordinated the arrival of the old lady at the top of B, with my arrival there. And most amazingly, He took control of my hands and my mouth and made me offer the help. I didn't even think about doing it. It just happened to me! He's so amazing!
On my way to church, I was so joyful that I totally forgot to hold the pen in my Bible firm. By the time I reached the service, I lost the pen. I was worried at first, but then, I heard something like "Why are you worried about just a pen, My son?" Then I was not worried anymore, because God is in control. I left the pen and it's fate to Him and continued to worship Him by engaging in the service.
After the service, on my way back, I found the pen! I was not worried about it, but I knew God was in control of everything and He makes sure I have what I need. I'm not sure what He wanted me to learn from this, but I guess it's "Get the message in your head and heart, not on the paper!" I brought the pen to write down key points in the service, but since I lost it, I had to store it all in my brain, and process it in my heart.
Today morning I did two "wrong" things, but because I did them, I did something really right for me to do. First thing first I wanted to go for a haircut, so I set out to a shop. I waited there for about an hour. After I had the haircut, I returned to freshen up (have a shower and stuff). But I'm already late! Just half an hour for church service to start and I would not reach in time. Anyway I did not panic. I let God take control and just continued with my freshening up. Already 15 minutes of service was over when I left my house.
There is this bridge with which we can cross the road. Uhm... to give the description in words, would take time, so let me draw it out...

There it is! OK, I wanted to go to bus stop 1. To go there you can go A-B-D or just A-C. People ALWAYS go through A-C because It's obviously shorter and does not require much energy. While I was going up A, I was in my own world, thinking about God knows what, and I automatically climbed up B. When I reached the top of B, I stood there amazed: "What in the world am I doing here?" I looked down at C and hear him (or is it her?) crying "How could you abandon me?" Well, all said and done, I had no other go except to take the staircase D. Suddenly there appeared an old lady. She was carrying something and was trying to climb down the stairs, holding the heavy load (ok light to me but she's old remember?) in her weak hands. Two steps down, I offered her: "Want some help?" She smiled really big and said "Thank you" and handed me her load. I got down the stairs with her, carrying it for her. At the end of stair case D, I handed her the thing back and accepted her double "Thank you"s and said "No problem". I quickly got in the bus that was there, and from inside I saw her smile and wave at me. I smiled back.
I felt refreshed, and felt so good having done something. And what amazes me is God was planning everything behind this. He made me go up B which I would have never done by myself. He made me late to church by giving me a haircut (and a long wait of an hour before that). He coordinated the arrival of the old lady at the top of B, with my arrival there. And most amazingly, He took control of my hands and my mouth and made me offer the help. I didn't even think about doing it. It just happened to me! He's so amazing!
On my way to church, I was so joyful that I totally forgot to hold the pen in my Bible firm. By the time I reached the service, I lost the pen. I was worried at first, but then, I heard something like "Why are you worried about just a pen, My son?" Then I was not worried anymore, because God is in control. I left the pen and it's fate to Him and continued to worship Him by engaging in the service.
After the service, on my way back, I found the pen! I was not worried about it, but I knew God was in control of everything and He makes sure I have what I need. I'm not sure what He wanted me to learn from this, but I guess it's "Get the message in your head and heart, not on the paper!" I brought the pen to write down key points in the service, but since I lost it, I had to store it all in my brain, and process it in my heart.
yes God is always in controle. recently ive been reading about Job..in..well. Job chapter 37 and so on...that also talks about God being in controle :)