Do you believe in God?

Often times when one is asked this question he or she replies "Yes, of course! Don't you?" or "No. God doesn't exist." But have you ever pondered whether the definition of 'God' as we have in our dictionaries is even correct?

I believe in God. But I don't believe in God. "How can you believe and not believe at the same time?" you may ask. Well, you should define 'God' and then I'll tell you if I believe (or not believe) in the 'God' you have defined. I can take the most common definitions and give you an explanation.

Do I believe in God in the traditional sense of the word? You know, like those churches, temples and the M places teach you? If you mean God as people normally define it, in a traditional or religious sense, the answer of my belief is a strict NO.

The reason? To think that a blatantly self-proclaimed 'messenger' of God would have all the answers we ever need to live our lives is simply a clear insult to our own (religious people claim God-given) intelligence. I would rather listen to Symantec than to a 'messenger' of God about cyber security.

Does 'not believing in a religious God' make me an atheist or an agnostic? Neither! You see, an atheist you meet on the street is as arrogant as a 'messenger' of God. He is a messenger of "no God," if you will. He says, "Look, there is no God. You better believe me." While atheist thinkers like Richard Dawkins present credible evidence and acknowledge that the existence of God is very very very extremely highly improbable (that would be an exaggeration, for all you know), your everyday atheist simply says existence of God is impossible. I'd rather be on the humbler side of atheists and stick with the improbability, because the impossibility of it is not proven.

So then if impossibility of God's existence can't be proven, does that mean I doubt its existence? Does that make me an agnostic? I don't doubt God's existence. (Absence of doubt does not mean belief.) The thing I doubt is what you thought the word 'God' means in the last sentence you just read. As you already know, if you thought of a bearded man in the sky, I'm an atheist. If you thought of someone 'great' watching over you with invisible surveillance cameras, recording your every move, I'm an atheist.

OK so, I'm not an atheist, I'm not an agnostic, and I don't believe in 'God' as the word is commonly defined. Where does that put me?

Perhaps I'm an Einsteinian. I believe Einstein was the messenger of God. His holy book is, well, he has not been inspired by God to write any holy book. But his religion involves doubting, testing, learning and inventing (among other related things). There was never any element of faith or believing in his religion. (I chuckle at the term 'blind faith' because all faith is blind anyway. Faith means to believe in things you don't see. Right?)

There is a name for the religion of Einstein. It's called SCIENCE. And Einstein was not the founder of this religion. If we will ever reach the true God (assuming he/she/it exists), it is going to be through Science.

Finally I'd like to remind you that if we can ever accurately and completely define what the word 'God' means, we would be greater than 'God'. This is what Science tries to achieve and other religions try to prevent.

PS: This has nothing to do with Scientology, which is a bad joke or a beefed-up version of Christianity.


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